Brazilian Redwood/Paraju
Scientific Name:
Manilkara bidentata
Other Names and Species:
Red Balata
Central and South America
The sapwood of Brazilian redwood is white to light brown, while the heartwood is light to darker reddish-brown in color. The species has an straight, sometimes wavy grain and is fine and uniform in texture. This is a low to medium luster wood.
Brazilian redwood is highly resistant to termites and decay. The wood remains smooth under friction and is reported to have no odor. Brazilian redwood is diffuclt and time consuming to dry properly. Once dried, this species is very resistant to moisture absorbtion.
Janka Hardness: 3190
Brazilian redwood is one of the hardest species of wood as a flooring option. It is over one hundred and thirty-three percent harder than white oak, roughly seventy-five percent harder than hicory or pecan, surpasses Brazilian cherry’s ranking of 2350 by over thirty-five percent.
Brazilian redwood is moderately easy to saw. Pre-boring is suggested yet the wood holds nails well once applied. Gluing can be difficult to accomplishl with paraju flooring. This species sands very well and polishes to a smooth surface.
Principal Uses:
Brazilian redwood’s uses include flooring, furniture, cabinetry, musical instruments, and shingles.